I went on an almost week long vaca for the first time in YEARS. It was nice. I spent it at my parents cabin on Coeur d'Alene lake and although the weather wasn't the greatest, I still achieved the relax I was going for.
Its my birthday and I'll lick every straw if I want to.
Smily and Ducky
My Lola Rae has finally learned how to catch a frisbee mid-air. Funny how I thought every border collie was born knowing this skill. Now if we can teach her not to destroy the frisbee's edge with her toofies.
Speaking of amazing border collies, have you seen this video of Nana? She's basically
OMG. I just ran across this video this last week. I could totally see myself prancercising on my morning walks with Kelly Riddle. Minus the cameltoe. Well, maybe with. It does add a little pizzazz.
I love a good youtube video. In fact, we took turns this weekend picking videos to watch. We watched a colorguard video (for Michele), a couple Squirrel Suit videos, including adding "fail" to the end, and the Bri-Wi (as Jimmy Fallon calls him) video.
But THIS video came to me Monday and I cannot get over how funny it is. First off, we had a German foreign exchange student live with us for 9 months back in 1999 and I remember how often she would ask us to explain different english sayings that made NO SENSE to her. I also remember her educating us on a few terms that translated funny. Example: For a song that gets stuck in your head, she says, is "an ear worm" which is a really creepy visual. Now, I know my mother does not appreciate when I mention poop in my blog, so I'm sorry Mom. But c'mon. This is funny. Real funny.
There's not many pages I "like" on Facebook, mainly because I'm bothered by the crazy # posts I could give two you know whats about. But if there's one page (besides Blake's Beanies of course) that I could only "like" it would be the Tosh.0 page. They link to different blog posts on his website, and its not so much the post as it is the comments that I enjoy. For example: He had this picture of someone's McChicken posted, and the first person's comment was very punny.
And the top commenter wrote: "You will have to lettuce know when the wedding is. You better not chicken out! We can ketchup on everything. Is there a bun in the oven? Nevermind I don't really karat all."
As far as TV shows, we've really had to get creative since the end of Survivor and The Following. (holy crap. The Following's finale was cray cray)
Soooo, we've been searching around our Roku and have found a couple pretty amazing shows.
1. Nathan For You
Think Sasha Baron Cohen with a side of Tom Green. Basically he goes to businesses offering advice. Really bad advice. They take him 100% seriously, and he manages to keep a complete straight face the entire time. I think we watched every single episode in one night. And then watched them over just because they are that good.
2. Inside Amy Schumer. Its another one on Comedy Central and she's pretty funny. I think she's funniest when she's interviewing people, because then she's not trying too hard. But her sketch show has had some pretty funny skits. One was about a school you send your older generation relatives to so they can learn how to be politically correct when they talk. It hits home to me because my grandpa was born in 1915 (nuf said).
3. The Ben Show with Ben Hoffman. Something about a TV show about pretending to be completely serious but really majorly messing with people is and always will be hilarious to me.
Basically I'm limited to what my Roku decides to store on it, so sometimes I have to fall back on the always dependable Law & Order: SVU or Lockdown.
Well, I finally saw The Mighty Ducks and Look Who's Talking. Lets just say they were better in my mind, but I wasn't too disappointed. I mean, I had watched both before a few times, it'd just been awhile. I guess what made me most sad was that Hottie Hubs wasn't as excited as me, and therefore didn't quite make it through either one. Oh well. Pick your battles.
-The Impossible. It was great. I cried a few times.
-Django Unchained. It was amazing. Even my own mother (who HATES the F word) liked it. She liked it so much she watched it again with her friends. Now thats a movie.
-You've Been Trumped. Can't remember if I finished it, but he's pretty much an asshat and only cares about himself. Funniest part = one of the town folk describing what his hair looked like when the wind hit him just right.
-Shelter Me. "Aiming to boost the adoption of shelter pets, this uplifting documentary focuses on the sucess stories, including dogs trained as service animals for the disabled and others who are helping returning war veterans with PTSD". Pretty much amazing and a real boost for the facial tissue companies.

Not my steak pic, but this guy's who cooked his too long apparently.
Costco knows whats up when choosing which products to "sample". We were there without a cart, specifically to get Rodney a new camera and I just HAD to snack on whatever they were sampling. It was soo good, I immediately grabbed one and when the Sample Lady saw me, she offered us another sample. She was nice.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS. Since slappin this beast onto the BBQ, I've been eating it for every meal. Just this morning I put a couple thin slices onto my egg sammy. Since I've got less than 4oz left, I'm going to be heading back to get another one. Or two. Or eight.
Farm Fresh Eggs.
I've heard they're the cats pjs, but I don't really know anyone willing to share their loot with me, so I've just stuck to the Kirkland Organic Browns. Which were quickly pushed to the back of the fridge when our good ol' buddy Luke Jackson stopped by with these. I didn't share ONE EGG WITH the hubs. Oops. They were just.that.good. Not kidding, once you go farm fresh, you never go bock. Get it? haha. i'm funny.
Hey Luke. We need more. Thanks.
What are you guys diggin? I'm always in need of some new shows, movies, food, youtube videos. ALWAYS.