Have you seen these?
Lady Beards
Man Beards
If you're a friend of mine and not some blogstalker (which is o.k. too) you probably have.
I call them beardies, I spose because it sounds like (blake's) beanies and because I'm a dork.
I've sold them to people in Vermont, Texas, New York, Utah, Ohio, California, Louisiana, Deleware, Kansas, Florida, Seattle, Pullman, to name a few places. Crazy thinking about all these people putting something I crocheted on their faces.
The latest beardie craze happened over the weekend. If you saw my FB posts, then you already know. I have an order for 50 OR MORE. And she wanted around 1/2 of those mailed to her this week, so all beardie buyers can wear them for a football game on Friday. Its a fundraiser for the high school she teaches at, and the mascot has an orange beard, as shown here:
It's super awesome because it means lots of exposure and mulah for muah. But what it also means is that I'm crocheting instead of sleeping, cooking, cleaning, bathing, blinking, etc. Well, I guess the I don't normally bathe on Saturdays anyways, so thats nothing new. jk. kinda.
On top of that, my etsy store is on FY-AH. I started my etsy page in December of 2011, so I didn't realize how much business to expect for the fall season. Man, people plan ahead!!! Either that or its a lot colder in other parts of the US right now because so far this week, I've had 7 orders for hats, fingerless gloves and beardies.
Plus, I've got my in town peeps ordering stuff too!!! (you guys are priority right now fyi)
Obviously, I LOVE CROCHETING. And every year I'm helluz busy. But this year tops it. I've stocked up for my November 17th craft fair, but now I'm selling the stuff I have in stock, so I'm now restocking my stock. I'm loving all the orders I've received and I see myself crocheting until I grow old and can no longer operate my robotic fingers.
Thanks to EVERYONE who is sportin a Blake's Beanie, Beardie, Headband, or fingerless gloves, pretend eating my crocheted food, or has just purchased one and is waiting (hopefully patiently) for one.
Also, thanks to ROKU for allowing Netflix and Hulu+ to be streaming Teen Mom, Parenthood, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Workaholics, and many many movies.
If YOU would like a beardie, or anything else crochet related, email me at blakesbeanies@gmail.com, or visit my etsy shop! And if you've already purchased something of mine, I would LOVE a picture of you wearing the beard or hat!!!
Go sistah!