So why the need to know the rules to football??? Because I was intercepted by a coach and asked to be a "stat girl". <pun fully intended>
My freshman year of high school had started out great. I had already been to band camp (in my hs band was cool...really it was. i promise), already met lots of upperclassmen, and was getting attention from a few of them. So when I got asked to watch the football team's every move, I jumped at the chance. Especially because they also asked my very best friend Katie. I remember telling the coach that I totally knew/loved football
Basically, the coaches wanted two girls
We started out working the freshman team, and then the next 3 years we were strictly varsity. It was a blast. We traveled with the team to every game, hung out before the games and rode back in the super stinky bus full of boys. Life was good.
Specific memories include:
One of the coaches "christening" (his overheard words, not mine)the bathroom while Katie and I sat in the hall close by. I can't remember if he was embarrassed or not when he walked out. He may have been more proud than embarrassed.
Getting to sit in the score box with the other coaches
Standing on the sidelines feeling eyes on my booty (and turning around in confirmation)
Chillin with my guy friends on the bus
Freezing my fingers off trying to keep track of who made the tackles.
Tripping over the cord that was attached to the coach's headset and nearly yanking him to the ground.
Watching said coach yell and scream at the player he thought tripped over said cord.
Having major BFF time with Katie.
And mostly just feeling like a badass on the sidelines during the game with my BFF.
Oh to have been on the Seahawks sideline during the now infamous MNF game. I would have been very busy marking down all those sacks!!!!
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